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Mac Lady Bug

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  1. Mac Lady Bug Dupe
  2. Mac Lady Bug
  3. Mac Lady Bug Dupes
  4. Mac Lady Bug Lipstick

Identifying the 4 Most Common Ladybugs

I. How to tell Ladybeetles from Other Insects

Ladybugs are insects that are in the Order Coleoptera (meaning sheath-wing),commonly called beetles. Ladybeetles can vary in color from solid black with2 red spots to solid orange or red, or they can have variable black spot patterns,sometimes with yellow or red spots. Ladybugs are in the beetle family thatentomologists call Coccinellidae. Coccinellid beetles all have the followingfamily characters: the shape of ladybeetles is very distinctive; they havean elongated to oval or hemispherical body; the antennae are eleven-segmented,and they are inserted at the inner margin of the eyes below the front; theantennae have a 3-segmented club on the end; ladybugs can also retract theirheads like a turtle into the prothorax; and they have a convex elytra (hardshell wings that cover the inner pair of wings). Almost all beetles in thisfamily are good; however there are 2 pest beetles in this family, the MexicanBean beetle (Epilachna varivestis Mulsant) and the Squash beetle. They areusually pale yellow and somewhat hairy with 16 or so spots, so watch out!

II. Common Identification Characters of the 4 Most Common Ladybugs

Hi all, I adore the way Lady Bug (Mac Lustre lipstick) looks on me - the only red I've ever managed to pull off! But after several weeks of off-and-on burning, bumpy lips (ugh, it sucks when the redness of your lips suddenly begins to spread PAST your lip line), I've finally narrowed the problem down to this, my fave new lipstick. Lightweight formula glides easily with sheer to medium buildable coverage and a lustrous finish. Full size new in box. Shade is Lady Bug,a tomato red-frost. MAC LIPSTICK LUSTRE in LADY BUG-FULL SIZE(3 g/0.10 Oz). MAC Claims: MAC describes Lady Bug as a yellow tomato red in a Lustre finish MAC Lady Bug Lipstick Review The color Lady Bug is indeed a gorgeous yellow-based red, not so bright and OTT that it will eclipse everything else of your ensemble, neither so insignificant that nobody will stop and ask what lipstick you are wearing.

If you have one of these ladybugs, identification can be fairly simple.

1. First, what is the body type of your lady beetle?

The two main body types are oval and round (hemispherical).

A. Round Ladybugs – 2 Types

Ladybugs can retract their head into their body like a turtle (A).Normally their head is out as in B. Also, another identifying characteris that the antennae of ladybugs are attached below the front part ofthe eyes.

A. Round Ladybugs – 2 Types


Coccinella septempunctata L. - C7 - The seven-spotted ladybeetle.

Here's C7 crawling across a field in spring. C7 ladybeetle eggs on celery. C7 larva getting ready to pupate; also called a pre-pupa. C7 pupa on a leaf; don't squish these!

C7 (Coccinella septempunctata L.) or the 'Seven-SpottedLadybeetle'.–We start with the earliest appearing ladybugin the vegetable fields – the C7 ladybug. These ladybugs overwinterin the bark of trees and similar habitats. I am always impressed tosee them in relatively barren fields, honing in on the vegetable plantsthere.

Identification: The C7 Ladybug has seven spots on the elytra(hard shelled wings on the back of the beetle); three spots on eitherside and one joined at the center top near the thorax and head region.

Overwinters: C7s overwinter in the bark trees and under leaf litter in some areas.

Food plants: C7 ladybugs love any type of mustard plant as wellas other early blooming nectar and pollen sources, like buckwheat, cilantro,legumes like vetches and red or crimson clover. Also, early aphid sources,like bronze fennel.

The C7 ladybug characteristics: large beetle (>1/4'),2 white spots on the thorax on either side of the head (see arrows);has 7 spots on the elytra in a 1-4-2 pattern.


Harmonia eggs on bronze fennel. Harmonia larva - note the flaps or projection that stick off the back of the larva. Harmonia pupating - do not squash. Harmonia adult on patrol in potatoes.

The Multicolored Asian Ladybeetle, Harmonia axyridis,congregate in the fall to overwinter. Larvae can be distinguished fromother species by the presence of small pads or flaps that project offthe back of the larva.

Overwinters: After the first hard frost or two, the adultsbegin to think about getting together to overwinter. In their nativelands of China and Japan, the original places they overwintered wereon rock outcroppings in the mountains. If your home is light coloredand on the side of a mountain, or similar setup, it probably looks justlike a big rock outcropping to a ladybug, and this might explain whyone October day, the side of your house is covered in ladybugs!! Ifyour neighbor complains about having ladybugs, then collect them foryourself! There are several ways to collect Harmonia. Probably the easiestmethod is to use a vacuum cleaner (with a new bag), or a long tube sockthat you can take out and replace, or a dust buster, and vacuum themup when they start to congregate outside. There are several other methodsto collect ladybugs. The Chinese consider it good luck to have thesein your house, but if there are too many in your house, see if a nearbygardener or farmer would like to get them for their garden.

Identification: The multicolored Asian ladybeetle hasthe following identifying characteristics: it is a large (>1/4')ladybug, it has a 'round' domed shape; it has a whitepronotum with 5 linked black spots that usually form an 'M'which points towards the head of beetle; it also has 2 indentationsat the back of the elytra (see arrows). Its coloration patternscan range from solid orange (pictured here) to having over 20spots, and even black with 2 spots! That's a lot of colorpatterns!

Food Plants: in early spring, Harmonia seek out any plantswith aphids - from spirea to cabbage to fennel. Harmonia loveany type of mustard plant as well as other early blooming nectarand pollen sources, like buckwheat, cilantro, legumes like vetchesand red or crimson clover. Also, early aphid sources, like bronzefennel.

B. Oval Ladybugs – 2 Types


Hippodamia convergens - The Convergent Ladybeetle

Mac Lady Bug Dupe

Convergent ladybeetle feeding in buckwheat. Pupae and newly emerged adult of the Convergent Ladybeetle Convergent ladybeetle larva on nasturtium. 1 Gallon - 72,000 ladybeetles released in broccoli.

Hippodamia convergens, the 'Classic California'Convergent ladybug, has been shipped nationally for over 100years, and therefore is naturalized throughout most of the US. It wasoriginally native to California and the other pacific coastal states.These are the best overall ladybugs to release against soft-bodied vegetablepests. The adults are oblong, orange with variable spots. Larvae andadults actively eat aphids, mites, eggs (pest butterfly/moths eggs,Colorado Potato Beetle eggs, etc.) of almost any kind, small caterpillarsthat they come across (including others of their own kind if they arehungry).

The Convergent Ladybeetle, Hippodamia convergens Guerin-Meneville.This orange oval ladybeetle is usually less that 1/4 inch long,with up to 13 spots on the elytra, but has variable spot patterns.The thorax is black with 2 converging white lines inside and a whitemargin.

Food Plants: Wild carrot family (dill, fennel, cilantro, etc.), yarrow & lambsquarters.


Coleomegilla maculata C-Mac, the Pink & Black Ladybug.

Mac Lady Bug

Identification: The Pink Spotted Ladybug, Coleomegilla maculata,or also called C-Mac. Distinguishing characters are: less that 1/4'long, oval shape, 6 spots on each forewing of the elytra; and a pinkcolored elytra with black spots.

C-Mac, Coccinella maculata, are distinctive oblongbeetles that are pink and black spotted. Hippodamia ladybugs have asimilar body shape but no pink on them. This sets them apart from otherladybugs, although the Hippodamia ladybugs have a similar body shapebut no pink on them. C-Macs are the 'Porsches' of Ladybugs.They are fast, very active, and are great feeders on eggs of other insects.Therefore, they disperse further and faster than other ladybugs, andthey usually cover more territory in a day than other ladybugs. C-Macshave been found to be especially effective against Colorado Potato Beetles,consuming their eggs and small larva. The favored food plants that Ifind them on are Queen Anne's Lace and other plants in the wildcarrot family. Keep these plants around to keep the ladybugs in yourfield, garden or yard.

Food Plants: The favored food plants that we find them on arecilantro, parsnips, Queen Anne's lace and other plants in the wildcarrot family. Keep these plants around to keep the ladybugs in yourfield, garden or yard.

Ladybug Handling and Release:

  1. The best weather to release ladybugs is cloudy, cool, rainy weather- it makes them seek shelter rather than flying. Put them out nearly coloniesof aphids or other food.
  2. The best time to release ladybugs is just before dark, in the coolof the evening, or even at night. They won't normally fly at night,and need a 'settling down' period after being handled.
  3. Spray the release area beforehand with water or (I prefer) a 10% sugarsolution so they have something to drink. Maintain a high moisture levelthereafter.
  4. Gently shake ladybugs from the container, spreading them around sothat they can find food immediately. Release them on or at the base ofinfested plants.
  5. Piles of vegetation, stacks of boards or similar materials near densevegetation are attractive to them as shelter on hot days.
  6. In greenhouses, screen vents or periodically apply chalk around ventsand doors so that ladybugs can't escape (they can't clingto vertical chalked surfaces).
  7. In greenhouses, temperatures between 70° and 85° F are neededfor reproduction. Temperatures above 100° F can be tolerated for shortperiods.
  8. Ants will 'guard' aphids and other soft-bodied honeydewproducing insects (like leafhoppers and scales) and protect them frompredators like ladybugs. If ants are a problem, you might have to usea sticky product like 'Tanglefoot' to make a barrier to preventthe ants from getting to the aphids.
  9. In order to get your ladybugs to stay as year round greenhouse guests,you should plant Umbellifera as a nectar and mating site for adults.

Keep ladybugs as one of your main pillars of pest defenses inthe your farm and garden. Good luck!

Lady Bug Lipstick By MAC Review and Swatches

By Contributor: Agnirupa

I can smell spring in the air can't you!? I already have the ickies to get my neon and bright nail paints and vests and clutches out along with glossy bright lipsticks, breaking away from my ongoing nude phase when cult reds like my favorite Russian red even feels too heavy and too much (yes beat me up!) I had to opt for a underrated beautiful red from MAC! Lady Bug (its honestly the cutest of all the MAC names) which I will review and swatch today.

MAC Claims: MAC describes Lady Bug as a yellow tomato red in a Lustre finish

The color Lady Bug is indeed a gorgeous yellow-based red, not so bright and OTT that it will eclipse everything else of your ensemble, neither so insignificant that nobody will stop and ask what lipstick you are wearing. It keeps both sides of the scale and is a winner for both day and night time looks, brightening up any tired face instantly.

The pigmentation is semi-sheer to moderate, can be built up to opaque in 2-3 swipes easily without feeling heavy or caked up easily hides minor lip imperfections or pigmentation.

The finish is one of my favorites (me being a glossy pout gal) the Lustre finish which fails to find favor with some for their lesser pigmentation and glossier finish, the 2 qualities which make me love them most. This 1 is also no exception, smooth, glossy, non-thick, non-sticky, applies easily even on the driest lips without balm and does not emphasize fine lines/dry patches. A juicy hawt pout!

In staying power it is less than other finishes from MAC, lasting for an average of 2-3 hours and wipes away without any stain at the end of a meal.

Being a part of permanent range, Lady Bug comes in their regular black-silver packaging with sleek body and tight click-cap, user friendly and easy to carry.

Swatches in natural light

Here is how it looks on my lips

My lip swatches with it

The pros of MAC Lady Bug Lipstick:

  • Sleek and classy typical MAC packaging
  • Comes in my favorite MAC finish- Lustre, resulting In a sheer glossy juicy pout
  • Applies easily, glossy, non-sticky in nature
  • Does not dry out lips or emphasize imperfections
  • Gorgeous yellow-toned red , brightening and adding oomph to any look without being OTT!
  • Yummy vanilla fragrance!

The cons of MAC Lady Bug Lipstick:

Mac Lady Bug Dupes

Mac Lady Bug

C7 (Coccinella septempunctata L.) or the 'Seven-SpottedLadybeetle'.–We start with the earliest appearing ladybugin the vegetable fields – the C7 ladybug. These ladybugs overwinterin the bark of trees and similar habitats. I am always impressed tosee them in relatively barren fields, honing in on the vegetable plantsthere.

Identification: The C7 Ladybug has seven spots on the elytra(hard shelled wings on the back of the beetle); three spots on eitherside and one joined at the center top near the thorax and head region.

Overwinters: C7s overwinter in the bark trees and under leaf litter in some areas.

Food plants: C7 ladybugs love any type of mustard plant as wellas other early blooming nectar and pollen sources, like buckwheat, cilantro,legumes like vetches and red or crimson clover. Also, early aphid sources,like bronze fennel.

The C7 ladybug characteristics: large beetle (>1/4'),2 white spots on the thorax on either side of the head (see arrows);has 7 spots on the elytra in a 1-4-2 pattern.


Harmonia eggs on bronze fennel. Harmonia larva - note the flaps or projection that stick off the back of the larva. Harmonia pupating - do not squash. Harmonia adult on patrol in potatoes.

The Multicolored Asian Ladybeetle, Harmonia axyridis,congregate in the fall to overwinter. Larvae can be distinguished fromother species by the presence of small pads or flaps that project offthe back of the larva.

Overwinters: After the first hard frost or two, the adultsbegin to think about getting together to overwinter. In their nativelands of China and Japan, the original places they overwintered wereon rock outcroppings in the mountains. If your home is light coloredand on the side of a mountain, or similar setup, it probably looks justlike a big rock outcropping to a ladybug, and this might explain whyone October day, the side of your house is covered in ladybugs!! Ifyour neighbor complains about having ladybugs, then collect them foryourself! There are several ways to collect Harmonia. Probably the easiestmethod is to use a vacuum cleaner (with a new bag), or a long tube sockthat you can take out and replace, or a dust buster, and vacuum themup when they start to congregate outside. There are several other methodsto collect ladybugs. The Chinese consider it good luck to have thesein your house, but if there are too many in your house, see if a nearbygardener or farmer would like to get them for their garden.

Identification: The multicolored Asian ladybeetle hasthe following identifying characteristics: it is a large (>1/4')ladybug, it has a 'round' domed shape; it has a whitepronotum with 5 linked black spots that usually form an 'M'which points towards the head of beetle; it also has 2 indentationsat the back of the elytra (see arrows). Its coloration patternscan range from solid orange (pictured here) to having over 20spots, and even black with 2 spots! That's a lot of colorpatterns!

Food Plants: in early spring, Harmonia seek out any plantswith aphids - from spirea to cabbage to fennel. Harmonia loveany type of mustard plant as well as other early blooming nectarand pollen sources, like buckwheat, cilantro, legumes like vetchesand red or crimson clover. Also, early aphid sources, like bronzefennel.

B. Oval Ladybugs – 2 Types


Hippodamia convergens - The Convergent Ladybeetle

Mac Lady Bug Dupe

Convergent ladybeetle feeding in buckwheat. Pupae and newly emerged adult of the Convergent Ladybeetle Convergent ladybeetle larva on nasturtium. 1 Gallon - 72,000 ladybeetles released in broccoli.

Hippodamia convergens, the 'Classic California'Convergent ladybug, has been shipped nationally for over 100years, and therefore is naturalized throughout most of the US. It wasoriginally native to California and the other pacific coastal states.These are the best overall ladybugs to release against soft-bodied vegetablepests. The adults are oblong, orange with variable spots. Larvae andadults actively eat aphids, mites, eggs (pest butterfly/moths eggs,Colorado Potato Beetle eggs, etc.) of almost any kind, small caterpillarsthat they come across (including others of their own kind if they arehungry).

The Convergent Ladybeetle, Hippodamia convergens Guerin-Meneville.This orange oval ladybeetle is usually less that 1/4 inch long,with up to 13 spots on the elytra, but has variable spot patterns.The thorax is black with 2 converging white lines inside and a whitemargin.

Food Plants: Wild carrot family (dill, fennel, cilantro, etc.), yarrow & lambsquarters.


Coleomegilla maculata C-Mac, the Pink & Black Ladybug.

Mac Lady Bug

Identification: The Pink Spotted Ladybug, Coleomegilla maculata,or also called C-Mac. Distinguishing characters are: less that 1/4'long, oval shape, 6 spots on each forewing of the elytra; and a pinkcolored elytra with black spots.

C-Mac, Coccinella maculata, are distinctive oblongbeetles that are pink and black spotted. Hippodamia ladybugs have asimilar body shape but no pink on them. This sets them apart from otherladybugs, although the Hippodamia ladybugs have a similar body shapebut no pink on them. C-Macs are the 'Porsches' of Ladybugs.They are fast, very active, and are great feeders on eggs of other insects.Therefore, they disperse further and faster than other ladybugs, andthey usually cover more territory in a day than other ladybugs. C-Macshave been found to be especially effective against Colorado Potato Beetles,consuming their eggs and small larva. The favored food plants that Ifind them on are Queen Anne's Lace and other plants in the wildcarrot family. Keep these plants around to keep the ladybugs in yourfield, garden or yard.

Food Plants: The favored food plants that we find them on arecilantro, parsnips, Queen Anne's lace and other plants in the wildcarrot family. Keep these plants around to keep the ladybugs in yourfield, garden or yard.

Ladybug Handling and Release:

  1. The best weather to release ladybugs is cloudy, cool, rainy weather- it makes them seek shelter rather than flying. Put them out nearly coloniesof aphids or other food.
  2. The best time to release ladybugs is just before dark, in the coolof the evening, or even at night. They won't normally fly at night,and need a 'settling down' period after being handled.
  3. Spray the release area beforehand with water or (I prefer) a 10% sugarsolution so they have something to drink. Maintain a high moisture levelthereafter.
  4. Gently shake ladybugs from the container, spreading them around sothat they can find food immediately. Release them on or at the base ofinfested plants.
  5. Piles of vegetation, stacks of boards or similar materials near densevegetation are attractive to them as shelter on hot days.
  6. In greenhouses, screen vents or periodically apply chalk around ventsand doors so that ladybugs can't escape (they can't clingto vertical chalked surfaces).
  7. In greenhouses, temperatures between 70° and 85° F are neededfor reproduction. Temperatures above 100° F can be tolerated for shortperiods.
  8. Ants will 'guard' aphids and other soft-bodied honeydewproducing insects (like leafhoppers and scales) and protect them frompredators like ladybugs. If ants are a problem, you might have to usea sticky product like 'Tanglefoot' to make a barrier to preventthe ants from getting to the aphids.
  9. In order to get your ladybugs to stay as year round greenhouse guests,you should plant Umbellifera as a nectar and mating site for adults.

Keep ladybugs as one of your main pillars of pest defenses inthe your farm and garden. Good luck!

Lady Bug Lipstick By MAC Review and Swatches

By Contributor: Agnirupa

I can smell spring in the air can't you!? I already have the ickies to get my neon and bright nail paints and vests and clutches out along with glossy bright lipsticks, breaking away from my ongoing nude phase when cult reds like my favorite Russian red even feels too heavy and too much (yes beat me up!) I had to opt for a underrated beautiful red from MAC! Lady Bug (its honestly the cutest of all the MAC names) which I will review and swatch today.

MAC Claims: MAC describes Lady Bug as a yellow tomato red in a Lustre finish

The color Lady Bug is indeed a gorgeous yellow-based red, not so bright and OTT that it will eclipse everything else of your ensemble, neither so insignificant that nobody will stop and ask what lipstick you are wearing. It keeps both sides of the scale and is a winner for both day and night time looks, brightening up any tired face instantly.

The pigmentation is semi-sheer to moderate, can be built up to opaque in 2-3 swipes easily without feeling heavy or caked up easily hides minor lip imperfections or pigmentation.

The finish is one of my favorites (me being a glossy pout gal) the Lustre finish which fails to find favor with some for their lesser pigmentation and glossier finish, the 2 qualities which make me love them most. This 1 is also no exception, smooth, glossy, non-thick, non-sticky, applies easily even on the driest lips without balm and does not emphasize fine lines/dry patches. A juicy hawt pout!

In staying power it is less than other finishes from MAC, lasting for an average of 2-3 hours and wipes away without any stain at the end of a meal.

Being a part of permanent range, Lady Bug comes in their regular black-silver packaging with sleek body and tight click-cap, user friendly and easy to carry.

Swatches in natural light

Here is how it looks on my lips

My lip swatches with it

The pros of MAC Lady Bug Lipstick:

  • Sleek and classy typical MAC packaging
  • Comes in my favorite MAC finish- Lustre, resulting In a sheer glossy juicy pout
  • Applies easily, glossy, non-sticky in nature
  • Does not dry out lips or emphasize imperfections
  • Gorgeous yellow-toned red , brightening and adding oomph to any look without being OTT!
  • Yummy vanilla fragrance!

The cons of MAC Lady Bug Lipstick:

Mac Lady Bug Dupes

  • Lesser pigmentation might be a con for some ladies who like opaque and heavy finishes.

Price: Rs.990

Mac Lady Bug Lipstick

VNA Rating: 4.5/5

Do I recommend? MAC Lady Bug Lipstick is great. For the perfect glossy bright uber-gorgeous red pout fix, look nowhere else than this very non-hyped, underrated MAC red! I swear if I got a 50 paisa coin for every time I come across Ruby Woo daily in the blogosphere I am literally sick of it (sold it off too!) and though I am not comparing by any means (the finishes and colors are poles apart!) am just saying this 1 deserves some hype and praise as well. For first timers peering nervously and wishing they could carry off a red without being glaringly OTT this might be your answer. So do check out!

I hope you liked the shade as much as I do. Till my next review do stay tuned (I know its not a tv just wanted to use that word somewhere!) bubyee and lots of love!

Have you tried Lady Bug? Share your views with us.

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